Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Legit Online Jobs Review

Have you heard about Legit Online Jobs?

If you HAVEN'T read on to learn a little about it... if you HAVE read on to get my review....
Legit Online Jobs is a great program for all those newbies out there looking to make some money on the internet.

Legit Online Jobs boosts itself as another data entry job program, but once you read a little further you will find out it is all about Adwords... and if you have been reading my blog long enough you know that I love Adwords!

Adwords can be evil to some one getting into the "game", but if you have been around the block already once or in most cases twice and have done alot, and I mean alot of time consumming research on the net you probably have finally started seeing profits from your campaigns.
But who has time to do all that research, most people who want to make money on the internet, want to do it NOW!

So you need to find the right program, and there are many out there, and I have reviewed a few already, but Legit Online Jobs is really great for the newbies out there.

And with todays economy, and gas prices the way they are... Legit Online Jobs will get you that extra cash you need NOW!

Check out this ... "data entry" job program by clicking below.

Legit Online Jobs

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Here's a Quickie Today!

Just have a few minutes to post today, I'm trying to get some changes done to the main site Wealth Can Be Yours Too.

Anyways there have been alot of great new text ad exchanges launched lately and I thought that I would share which ones they are with my readers.

Check them out, some are offer free pro memberships and some have free advertising bonuses.

Click on the banner to get started below.

And as always... I can never say enough about Traffic Speedway, Thomas Brown has a great thing going on there and if you aren't already a member, you should be. This isn't a new launch... but its still awesome! Need traffic?... Get it fast at Traffic Speedway!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Money Making Programs, and Paypal

Here is a quick word to the wise... if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

The sad thing is sometimes its too late and you have already reaped the rewards of a great program only to find out that its agains Paypal's Acceptable Use Policy, (AUP).
You find a great program, that promises riches and no waiting to receive your earnings. Perfect example is programs like $5 by the Millions. You purchase into the program and start promoting, and people buy it. It's a great program, but it falls into a grey area with Paypal. Paypal dislikes anything thats a so-called get rich quick program. And $5 by the Millions is exactly that. The slogan "Millions of people want to give you $5 each" is a tell-tale sign that Paypal will put limitations on your account if they catch you promoting it with their logos.

There are alot of similar programs out there. One key way to find out whether they are good or bad is if they promise payments directly to your Paypal account. Sadly these programs are
great because people buy into them like crazy, the purchaser of the program does see great returns and has everything great to say about it, but by then its too late and they get an e-mail from Paypal explaining that their account has had permenant limitations put on it. These limitations are: not being able to send money, or recieve money, as well as not being able to close you account with Paypal. Basically your Paypal account becomes useless.
There are ways to get those limitations lifted. From my experience you just need to remove the Paypal logo and any other affiliations to Paypal from the site. Now with this in mind, alot of the programs like this give you no control over the site, and in the worst case scenerio, admin of the site is completely unreachable.
On that note here is what I say about these programs. If a program promises fast cash direct to
your Paypal account, contact the admin of the site and see if they have heard of anyone having problems promoting the site and getting in trouble with Paypal. Also just by contacting the admin alone will tell you in their response what kind of support you might get with this program. Remember as a consumer online, you have the power you need to protect yourself, via search engines searching for scams and just keeping a extra biased that every program out there could be out to scam you.
Cheers to your success in finding out the good from the bad.
As always, any question or comments are welcomed at admin[at]wealthcanbeyourstoo.com, replace [at] with @.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Information and Review on Forex Automoney

Now, if you have been reading my blog lately you will notice I tend to give my reviews or other information in reguards to Internet Marketing or other online business opportunities.
The other day though I was talking with a fellow colleague and friend of mine about a program she tried.

Anyways, it wasn't an Internet Marketing, work at home, MLM (multi-level marketing) or anything like that. It was a program to do with Forex ( I will get into what that is in a second). After having great successes with Internet Marketing she wanted to do something a little different with her time. She had come across a usefull program to help with Forex trading. She gave it a whirl and was completely surprised with the immedaite results.

Now its 6 weeks later, and yesturday it was all she could talk about. So I asked her to give me a little review about it so I could share it with my readers and other colleagues. Read below to get a little taste of what to expect.

"Forex Automoney gave me my first taste of Forex trading. And if every Forex program was this easy to use and understand then I can't see why anybody wouldn't want to give it a whirl.
Forex Automoney is exactly what they call it, 'Make Money Just By Clicking'. Each day you will get 100% free forex tips and completely automated trading directions, so that you don't have to go into difficult analysis to learn how to trade.
Forex Automoney is not time consuming at all, spend a few minutes daily with Forex Automoney and be profitable.
Customer service is awesome and knowledgeable too! One day I had a little hiccup with my program (we will call it user error, hey I'm a little scatter-brained most mornings), I called them up and spoke to a live person, and had my situation solved easily.
Now you might have heard that to see good results with Forex you need to have a good sized cash investment. With Forex Automoney you can see results with $1, but I won't lie, I invested $100, so maybe my situation isn't as realistic as every one elses. Having siad that though, 6 weeks later I have now invested another $500... WOW is all I can say!
Anyways, the bottom line here is if you want a simple way to make money with your computer at home and little time to invest into it, Forex Automoney is it. It's 'Just Click and Make Money'"

-written by Hailey K.

Now that you have read the review and your anxious to check it out, here is a quick explanation of what exaclty Forex is.
Forex is a non-stop cash market where national currencies are traded. Foreign currencies are constantly and simultaneously bought and sold (typically via brokers) across local and global markets. Values increase and decrease in reaction to the currency movements and real-time events. Very basically you are buying a currency, then selling it to make money on it when it goes up.

To wrap up, Forex Automoney is a great program for newbies to get into. If you are still cautious, there is a trial you can try for only $4.95. So if you are bored or tired of failure with Internet Marketing, try something different, Forex Autmoney is exaclty that.

Forex Automoney - Make Money Just by Clicking

Now I have a few free downloads for you. You know the drill, Right Click, Save Target As...

Free Forex Downloads

Feel free to pass these on to friends once you see how great this really is.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Second Look: Six Figure Yearly Program

I just wanted to take a second look at the program The Six Figure Yearly Review, the reason for this is so many people keep asking me about it, their sales page is lacking in information it seems.

Hopefully this little post will help clear the confusion about the amazing claims this program makes about helping people earn an honest income online.
Don't just dismiss it as a scam because it sounds like one. Sure making 4 figures in one day seems completely impossible. With the Six Figure Yearly Program it isn't, when done right.

With the right training tools, which the Six Figure Yearly program provides, your online adventure can be one you can enjoy with ease. All the while actually being successful. Find out how you can set up automated income streams by finding the right customers, the right products and the right advertisements.
There is a quickly growing business opportunity out there and Six Figure Yearly has found it and will help you every step of the way to your online success.

Enjoy the adventure, but if you are still hesitant, I'll be happy to answer any further questions,

No doubt about it, for a program where you need no products, this is a huge and untapped opportunity you can't miss.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Enjoy the Weekend! G Money Pro lets me!

Haven't got to much to say today, but I wanted to leave you something so you wouldn't be waiting until Monday.

I wanted to talk a little bit about G Money Pro, or Google Money Pro, which ever you prefer.

Its seems the big thing these days in the make money at home world are matrices. Personally, I hate them. Why?

Because there is no actual product. Typically all you are doing is giving money to some one, just to turn around and ask some one to give YOU money. And you have to ask a lot of people to acutally find one that is willing, and then you have to ask EVEN more to fill your matrix. How many people do have to actually ask before finally getting all the people under you (or over you, however they want to call it, its all the same thing)
Sure, they have bonuses and talk about building a team, sharing secrets, but really, who are they really looking out for? Themselves, because like you, me and every other Internet Marketer out there, is only out for one thing, to make money.

So why not get back to basics, and see where the REAL money is at.

Psst... by the way... Adwords is legal too, don't you think a matrix is the same thing as a pyramid scheme (illegal by the way)? And you don't have to worry about going against Paypal's AUP (Acceptal Use Policy) which could lead to limitation put on your Paypal account. Most matrices are likely against Paypal's AUP... unless they pay you differently, but then do you know if they are actually going to pay you? Gotta love that sense of security :)

So I say enough with the matrices, I'm sick of seeing people begging me to join thier downline, upline, over the hills and through the sea line...

Find out how to get back to the basics of Internet Marketing. Try Adwords again, do it right this time, with the right tool! Here is GMoney Pro, its a great product, with people actually helping you if you need it, and it shows you what you need to do to succeed with Adwords. I say why give a man a fish when you can teach a man to fish! You know the saying I'm talking about, matrices versus Adwords is the same thing.

Here, enough of me ranting, check out this review site: Google Money Pro Review

Or see the actual product: Google Money Pro

And enjoy your weekend... its gonna be great!

Just say no to Matrices!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Free Traffic Report!

If you have heard about Traffic Speedway, then I assume you have tried it. Traffic Speedway is a great source of awesome traffic! I really can't say enough about how well Thomas Brown has done with Traffic Speedway... you should check out my testimonial on the homepage!

Anyways, enough about Traffic Speedway because today I want to tell you about something else.

Thomas Brown is at it again, he has created another great traffic source.

Check out the newest text ad exchange to hit the net!

Top Secret Traffic

Today is the date of launch and you won't believe the bonuses that are available. Free upgrade to Pro, but only to the first 500 to sign up, and thats gonna go fast... already there are 150 members (should I remind you today is the launch day?).

Also, since I got notification about this launch before it happened, Thomas gave me a great promo code to pass onto you!

Once you have signed up and verified, go to the advertising area and redeem this promo code : BonusUpgrade

Good luck and enjoy this great new text ad exchange, Top Secret Traffic!